Saturday, 12 May 2012

Bend it like beckham notes

- struggles with identity, scar a symbol of accepting herself? feels clearly uncomfortable in girls changing rooms when theyre getting changed
- talk to poster, only time she is truly relaxed and herself?
- parents stereotypical strict - but mother is the matriarcal dominant authority figure, father just wants her to be happy 'I was married at your age you dont even want to learn how to cook Dahl!' always wants dress to learn to cook and be more femimine, talks of same on family
most comfortable when playing football
she attempting to belong to a female soccer team and gain acceptance in order to succeed in the male dominated sport.
Jess 'indian girls arent supposed to play football.' Jules - 'yeah but it aint just and indian thing is it, i mean how many people come out and support us?'
Talks of how she cannot marry someone who is not indian
Parents horrified when they think she has been drinking and smoking in a pub - reflecting again how they reject contempory british culture
Feels she has to prove herself in the football team 'I dont want you to think Im not as strong as the others' - keeps running laps even when she is injured
Dresses up in a dress and goes clubbing - embracing english culture

sense of rejection occurs due to a possible sexual orientation this is seen through both her friend Tony being gay, and her being incorrectly accused of being a lesbien 'no Jess, I REALLY like Beckham' - he cannot say it aloud freely, feels uncomfortable with it to the point he suggests they marry
-cultural/racial rejection on either side, you hear them say "he's not black is he" about a presumed boyfriend and Jule's mum treats her differently because she is Indian. 'its your indian friend' 'i cooked a lovely curry the other day'
Also at the game she is called a "paki",
-Lack of belonging due to gender goes deeper, with even the guy friends treating her separately and there being expectations that mean she feels she cannot belong due to her personality.
-Culture is all embracing, they are very much a closed community.
-Attempting to belong to arranged marriages is discussed.
-Belong to a family, idea of family honour
-Belonging to a friendship group, certain obligations, expectations etc.  

Uses both british and indiam music throughout the film - mix of cultures 

Jules struggles in accepting female side? mum wont accept her as she is, wants her to buy lacy underwear and be more itnerested in boys